Tuesday, January 16, 2007

3 rules for my classroom

1. Be respectful, to everyone at all times. I think this is paramount in any classroom, because while we may not exactly be here of our free will, if we are civil to each other, this class will be a whole lot more fun and easy for everyone than if we were not. As a general rule, ask yourself before you do something questionable whether or not you would mind if you were teaching the class, and one of your students was doing what you're doing. So, specifically, if I or one of your fellow classmates are addressing the class, no one else is talking. Do not use foul language. Do not come into class late, unless you have a valid reason for doing so. Raise your hand if you wish to answer or ask a question, and wait for me to call on you. Most importantly, do not make fun of your classmates for trying to use the language. Everyone here makes mistakes, including me, and while it is good to correct each other, it is important that everyone feels safe in trying to use the language; NOT fearful that others will ridicule them. Other things probably fall under this general category as well, though they are not spelled out here. Punishments for breaking this rule range in severity depending on how badly the rule is broken, from having me point out that you have broken the rule (in private, after class), to being sent to the principal's office for the rest of the class period and taking a zero on any work due that day.

2. Follow the school's policies as outlined in your student handbook. There is nothing I can do about these; they are the law of the land while you're here. This includes things like not wearing hats in class; if cell phones or pagers go off, I have to send you home; and if you tell me you killed somebody, I must alert the proper authorities.

3. I will not accept late work. I will be judicious with all of my deadlines for having things done, and will alert you well in advance. If you're concerned that you aren't going to get something done ahead of time or that I haven't given the class enough time, talk to me in private or bring it up in class and I am certainly willing to consider moving the due date back (for everyone). However, once the date is set, and passes, I will not accept late work, because doing so would not fair to those who turned it in on time.

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